SB 7 Appropriations
Press Release
State Sen. Anthony Portantino's bill preventing a 710 extension
resurrection has reached another legislative landmark. 8/30/2019
$514.4 Million Approved for Local Road Improvements. The Metro Congestion, Highway and Roads ad hoc committee approved 710 freeway funds for 34 alternative projects. The Metro Board is scheduled to vote on the issue. 11/23/2018
South Pasadena gets funds for new ramps at the 110 and Fair Oaks, an interchange untouched for nearly 90 years.
Measure R funds set aside for the 710 freeway tunnel may be diverted to South Pasadena's first thoroughfare instead. 11/28/2018
Meetings & Events
(Nothing is scheduled for the current time.)
News &
Press Releases
Portantino Meets with Governor Brown, Talks 710 Tunnel (PDF)
Anthony J. Portantino personally delivered to Governor Jerry Brown, an impressive scroll of signatures that activists opposed to the freeway tunnel have been collecting for years, 6/24/2017
Response to Metropolitan Transit Authority Decision on SR 710 Alternative (PDF)
710 tunnel funding removed by Metro Board in lieu of local street improvements, 5/25/2017
Beyond the 710 -
Moving Forward
On Thursday, May 28, 2015, Beyond the 710 - Moving Forward (formerly called C3), sponsored a press conference on the steps of the LACMTA Headquarters to distribute a new plan of forward thinking mobility and smart growth proposals that will better connect people to important destinations and relieve congestion throughout the San Gabriel Valley. Learn more
Alhambrans Against
the 710 (PDF)
Alhambra Wastes $150,000 to Create Gridlock Event vs. Real Traffic Solutions:
City Officials' Tactics, Expenditures Backfire As Alhambra Residents Seek Real Traffic Relief, 6/9/2015
Senate Bill No. 275 (PDF)
State Senator Anthony Portantino introduces legislation requiring surplus residential properties in the 710 corridor to be assessed at affordable/reasonable prices for property tax purposes, 2/9/2017
Portantino House Letter (PDF)
Assembly Bill No. 287 (PDF)
Assembly Member Chris Holden introduces legislation calling for a special advisory committee to determine the project for the 710 corridor, 2/2/2017
See the Story: Assemblyman Chris Holden of Pasadena Introduces bill to kill 710 Freeway tunnel project
See Holden's Letter to CalSTA (PDF)
United States Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) Education Fund and Frontier Group identifies 12 of the most wasteful highway expansion projects across the country, including the 710 Tunnel Project
See the Report: 21st Century Transportation, Highway Boondoggles 2
See the Press Release: San Gabriel Valley Route 710 Tunnel Makes National List of Highway Boondoggles
Metro releases
Cost Benefit Analysis
Pasadena City Council votes
to support recommendations of the Pasadena Working Group and opposes Tunnel Alternative
Story Here
Comments by Ara Najarian
710 Tunnel Community Meeting “THE PASADENA WAY…
Webcast of forum on alternatives to the 710 tunnel presented by Pasadena City Councilmember Steve Madison on 9/15/16
South Pasadena SR-710 Community Workshop
Webcast of the Special City Council Meeting/Community Workshop held on May 13, 2015
"The Question is..." with Anthony Portantino
Guests Ara Najarian, Robbyn Battles and Sergio Gonzalez discuss the SR-710 Tunnel issue See the Link here
Updated 9/9/2019
Refresh your browser for the Latest Version
Governor Signs Senate Bill 7 Ending the Decades Long Battle to Stop the 710 "North Gap Closure" Project
October 12, 2019Governor Gavin Newsom signed the long-awaited SB 7 into law effectively halting the massive project from any further consideration. The provisions of the law are summarized as follows:
- Alternatives F-5, F-6 and F-7 as defined in the 2012 Alternatives Analysis report by LAMTA and other freeway or tunnel alternatives to close the gap are no longer deemed to be feasible
- On January 1, 2024, the portion of Route 710 between Alhambra Avenue in the City of Los Angeles and California Blvd in the City of Pasadena will be removed from the California freeway and expressway system
- Relinquishes to the City of Pasadena the specified portions of Route 710 within its city limits under a joint agreement
- Restricts rent increases to tenants within the 710 corridor, participating in the Affordable Rent program
- Defines the priorities and methods of how the state agency will dispose of (sell) surplus residential properties to tenants and nonprofit businesses
A 70 Year Battle
Never Give Up - The 710 Freeway Fight
In 2007 and 2008, John McDonald, a South Pasadena resident, videotaped 15 hours of material about the 710 Freeway fight. Be sure to watch this fascinating compilation of personal stories from the 70-year grass roots struggle
Caltrans Releases Final SR 710 North
Environmental Documents
Notice of Determination (PDF)
Statement of Overriding Considerations (PDF)
Findings (PDF)
Record of Decision (PDF)
RELEASED AUGUST 2019 - Caltrans has selected the TSM/TDM Alternative to meet the project purpose and need to improve efficiency of the exiting regional freeway and transit network and reduce congestion on local arterials adversely affected due to accommodating regional traffic volumes, while minimizing environmental impacts. This decision was also based on the potential impacts identified in the Final EIS, avoidance, minimization, mitigation measures, funding availability, community input, and coordination with regulatory agencies and local stakeholders.
UPDATE: Caltrans Confirms Approval of 710 ROD / Decision
to Trigger $300 Million in Spending (PDF)
Senator Anthony Portantino & California Secretary of Transportation Brian Annis Unveil Historic Final Environmental Impact Report for the 710 Freeway Corridor and Reveal Next Steps
Pasadena, California – On Wednesday, November 28, State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D–La Cañada Flintridge) and California Secretary of Transportation Brian Annis held a press conference to present the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 710 Freeway Corridor to the public. Spanning 60 years, the completion of the 710 freeway from Valley Boulevard in Alhambra to the 210 freeway in Pasadena has been one of the most complex transportation projects in California history.
Today, Portantino and Annis released the historic final EIR; essentially ending the six-decade conflict. The signed and adopted EIR formally adopts a local street improvement alternative to the multi-billion dollar 8-lane tunnel proposed 15 years ago to replace the originally proposed surface freeway route. The initial freeway proposal triggered debate on this issue going back to the Eisenhower administration.
Here is the link for the SR 710 North final Environmental Document
Read full Press Release
(Wednesday, November 28 2018)
Message from Metro & Caltrans - May 2018
Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Focused on Cultural
Resources Analysis
A public hearing will be held to receive comments specifically pertaining to the new information provided in the Focused Recirculated Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
6-8pm, Presentation at 6:30pm
Maranatha High School - Student Service Center
169 South St John Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105
Deadline for Comments is Thursday, July 5
More info at https://www.metro.net/projects/sr-710-conversations/
213.922.7479 or sr710study@metro.net
Message from the No 710 Action Committee
We have heard from many of you who oppose the freeway tunnel extension that you believe this project was eliminated when the Metro Board voted to de-fund it in May 2017 and also when it was not included in the list of projects for Measure M. Indeed, those were two huge achievements for those who want responsible transportation solutions for the region. However, the No 710 Action Committee will continue to be active and involved until the tunnel alternative is no longer named on all long-range transportation plans in the state AND the Caltrans/state-owned properties in the corridor are returned to private ownership, allowing the neighborhoods to be reunited and restored. Thank you for your support in this effort.
Response to Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Decision on
SR 710 Alternative
May 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA – The No 710 Action Committee has spent more than seven years engaging in every aspect of the 710 North Study. Today we were represented by over 30 members at the meeting at which the Metro Board voted unanimously to eliminate the 710 tunnel alternative from funding in favor of the Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management alternative from the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Following the meeting the committee issued this statement:
"The No 710 Action Committee enthusiastically supports today's unanimous landmark decision by the Metro Board of Directors for multiple reasons:
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Our primary goal of eliminating the tunnel alternative has been achieved with today's historic decision, but there is still much to do. Moving forward, our committee plans to support and participate in the process set forth by the Board for defining and implementing individualized solutions for mitigating traffic impacts in the communities named in the motion. In addition, we will focus on supporting our elected officials in their efforts to insure that neither the tunnel nor any freeway extension of the 710 to the 210 ever again presents a threat to future generations. Finally, we are committed to continue working to insure the fair treatment of the Caltrans tenants and to support the expeditious sale of Caltrans-owned houses in the corridor.
We congratulate the Directors on the consensus they were able to reach on what has long been a contentious issue, their focus on a new direction for 710 Corridor solutions, the respect the Directors showed to each other and the Board's sensitivity to the concerns of everyone who spoke at today's meeting."More information:
- The Source - 5/25/2017
- Streetsblog LA - 5/25/2017
- Curbed LA – 5/25/2017
- LA Times – 5/25/2017
- Pasadena Star News/San Gabriel Valley Tribune – 5/25/2017
- Glendale News Press – 5/26/2017
- La Cañada Flintridge Patch – 5/25/2017
and Official Comments:
- Brian Kelly – Statement
- Anthony Portantino – Press Release
- Laura Friedman – Letter
- Connected Cities and Communities - Press Release
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The No 710 Action Committee
is a fast growing association of cities, organizations, professionals and citizens who realize that the SR-710 tunnel is an unacceptable alternative to address regional transportation problems. Our mission is to promote solutions that are environmentally and fiscally sound, reduce pollution, lower health risks, relieve congestion, and eliminate public dependence on fossil fuels. The No 710 Action Committee demands that transit authorities operate in an honest and transparent manner that is responsive to the concerns and interests of the impacted communities and the public at large.
Metro's Projections for Traffic Improvements
After 710 Toll Tunnels are Completed
Metro's plan for dual bore tunnels will not improve traffic in 2025
To enlarge the image, and for more information, click on the map
Why the SR-710 (Tunnel) is a Bad Idea
See who agrees the SR-710 extension is a bad idea
- The SR-710 North Extension is not being built for commuters. It's intended as part of a goods movement system that ties into the Expansion of the I-710 Freeway and the High Desert Corridor.1
- These 4.9 mile tunnels will not have exits or onramps, further demonstrating that it is not designed for local commuters, but pass-through traffic from the Ports.
- The SR-710 North Extension (tunnel(s) would connect the lower I-710 Freeway with the already heavily congested I-210 Freeway which will lead to gridlock conditions for everyone.2
- Cost - Government sources have quoted project cost ranges between $1 - $14 billion to build the tunnel. The current figures being used by LACMTA is $5.425 billion and SCAG is $5.636 billion. The smaller "Big Dig" tunnel, (only 3.5-mile long) was estimated to cost $2.8 billion in 1982 dollars. However, the Boston Globe has estimated that the project will ultimately cost $24 billion, including interest, and that it will not be paid off until 2038.3
- To pay for the huge construction and upkeep costs (lacking in current estimates), a public-private partnership must be forged. These investors need to make a profit from this deal and tolls will be charged. Tolls create diversion traffic.4 Drivers unwilling to pay the "average" fees of $5.64 for cars and $15.23 for cargo trucks5 will likely take the "short cut" through local neighborhood streets.
- InfraConsult, a financial consultant, provided a forecast volume of 190,000 annual average daily traffic in the SR-710 North Tunnel for the year 2030 to which a diversion rate of 35% has been applied.4 It is possible that a public-private partnership for the 710 tunnel(s) will fail like other toll roads because the forecasts were based on FLAWED traffic projections6 and traffic volumes may be much lower than expected.7
- The risk of being killed in a traffic accident occurring in a tunnel is twice as high as on open stretches of motorways.8
- Roadway tunnels are inherently dangerous. If a fire occurs, there is no easy way out of a tunnel, especially for those with limited mobility.9
- Vehicle exhaust cannot be properly filtered and will lead to health issues not only for the drivers who use the tunnel10 but also for the surrounding communities where the exhaust is vented.11